Thursday, March 2, 2017

Technique: Scribing Panel Lines and Raised Details

Someone said that scribing is a skill not a talent. This is a good thing as it means that one day I may actually be able to do it successfully., But today is not that day!!

As with everything in modeling, there are a variety of opinions on how to do things and scribing is no different. What I have discovered is that is more about patience, a steady hand, becoming comfortable with the tools and developing a technique that works for you. That being said, I have a few videos of folks who know what they are doing, explaining how THEY scribe panel lines and add or replace rivet detail. Everyone has to start somewhere and these provide a great place to start, food for thought and some inspiration to take on your way.

Playlist Home: Technique: Scribing Panel Lines and Rivets
Number of Videos: 12
Playlist Duration: approx. 130 min.

PLASMO - Plastic Models
Paul Budzik
Pheedens Garage
John Vojtech
Asrul Hazimin
International Scale Modeler
Geoff Coughlin
Drewe Manton

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